
Showing posts with the label MURDER

Diana: The Witnesses in the Tunnel (2007)

Rating: 6/10 An in-depth look at the final photographs taken of Diana, Princess of Wales, on the night she and Dodi al Fayed were killed in a car accident in Paris, by the photographers who were arrested that night and witnessed the tragic event. H ome  |  Movies  |  Documentaries  |  More Don't Forget To Share!

Charles Manson Then and Now (1992)

Rating: 6.9/10 Tracing America’s morbid fascination with the infamous sociopath, jailed in 1970 after members of his cult ‘family’ went on a murder spree. H ome  |  Movies  |  Documentaries  |  More Don't Forget To Share!

Just, Melvin: Just Evil (2000)

Rating: 7.2/10 Four generations of sexual abuse, substance abuse, terrible secrets, neglect, and violence are explored in Just Melvin, Just Evil. In a large American family ravaged by alcohol and suppressed trauma, it seems that only one member ‘made it out.’ This man is James Ronald Whitney, who was brave enough to use this documentary as an outlet to explore his family’s history, searching for answers (and closure) to the horror suffered by himself and his relatives. H ome  |  Movies  |  Documentaries  |  More Don't Forget To Share!

Diana: In Her Own Words (2017)

Rating: 8.2/10 Princess Diana lived her life in front of the cameras. Now, on the 20th anniversary of her untimely death in 1997, revisit her emotional journey from childhood through her rocky marriage to Prince Charles and subsequent emergence as the “People’s Princess.” This touching tribute relies solely on archival footage and recordings to explore her profound impact on the world and on the future of Britain’s monarchy. H ome  |  Movies  |  Documentaries  |  More Don't Forget To Share!

Inside the Mind of a Mafia Hitman (2002)

Rating: 7.9/10 This ‘biography’ of sorts details some of the murders committed by notorious hitman Richard Kuklisnski, who reportedly killed over 100 people. This documentary, featuring interviews with Kuklinski himself, displays all the murders just as they happened. These events are told by Kuklinski, who gives his own personal perspective on what he did, and gives his feelings on what he did. H ome  |  Movies  |  Documentaries  |  More Don't Forget To Share!